Please do not drop off or arrive early. (Drop off will begin only at 8:20). If you do arrive early, please wait in your car.
Please do not stand outside the door or drop off your child in the door and leave.
Drop off and Pickup only through the carline. Please do not exit your vehicle. Please follow the car line and park your car in the designated pick up/drop off location. A staff member will meet parent at vehicle in this designated drop off/pick up location only. Please do not park or drop off opposite to the car line.
For drop off: A staff member will pick up student from car.
For pick up: A staff member will take student to car.
It is mandatory that students bring a bag to the gym each day besides their lunch bag with all the required items. Note: Please mark the bag.
List of items needed: personal hand sanitizer, a sweater (some kids get cold after lunch), bandages, athletes tape for the bars, extra hair tights, no cell phones or electronics, no toys, no gum, extra pair of clothes (for younger children)
Lunch Bag: Please mark bag. Sharing is not permitted. We are a “nut free” facility. Please do not pack Nut sandwiches.
Water: Pack at least 2 bottles of water and more if your child drinks a lot of water. We do not have water fountains.
Children should wear leotards or t-shirt and shorts only.
No head bows or jewelry.
Long hair must be tied up.
No sneakers - please send your child with easy slip on shoes or crocs.
Shoes are mandatory for bathroom use
No jeans, shorts, or sweaters that have a zipper and buttons.
No leggings, no skirts, no shorts.
If your student is exhibition flu-like symptoms or a fever, please keep them home. A student exhibiting a fever or flu-like symptoms will be sent home.
Campers and staff will follow rigorous hand washing procedures thought
the day including but not limited to before/after lunch, bathroom breaks and at arrival/departure. Hand sanitizer will also be available thought out the facility. Do pack your child’s personal sanitizer, some children are sensitive to different hand sanitizers.